Review + Giveaway: To Be A Child by Debra Schoenberger

As a constant traveler, I’ve taken my share of photos in the places I’ve visited. And I can attest to the fact that from dozens, if not hundreds, of photos there will be one or two gems (at least in the eye of the beholder). So I’m truly in awe of To Be A Child by Debra Schoenberger. She is an incredibly talented photographer with an eye (and I suspect heart) for capturing the essence of a child in any environment. I’m thrilled to have had the chance to review To Be A Child as part of the book tour coordinated by iRead Book Tours.

To Be A Child by Debra Schoenberger

Title: To Be A Child Author: Debra Schoenberger | Publication Date: November 30, 2015 | Publisher: Blurb Publishing | ISBN: 978-1364706685

Book Description: Give a child a cardboard box and his imagination will turn it into anything but!

Today, it is less common to see children playing in the streets, especially in urban areas. The plethora of ready-made toys should make any child happy.  What usually happens is that the box the toy came in becomes the toy!

This book documents children at play (and at times at work) from 10 different countries. A child’s ingenuity never ceases to amaze me and I hope you will share these images with your children as well.  

Buy the book:   Website   Amazon

My thoughts: This book is a treasure, a visually stunning collection of photos of children around the world.

I marked so many favorites that I had to break them into categories:

– Close ups: In a broad sense, I most loved the images of just a child (or sometimes multiple children) and their personal sense of wonder. Sometimes we don’t even see what they are doing, but the emotion is clear. And it’s beautiful.

– Location: Some specific locations stood out…

Nepal is such a mystery to most that it was incredible to witness the juxtaposition of simple, familiar scenes of children playing with a completely unknown place.

Mongolia, with its visually stunning scenery, offered a dramatic backdrop to the images. The green grass of the vast plains against a cloud-filled blue sky is amazing.

– Quiet Moments: The category “Quiet Moments” contains a number of photos that have stuck with me since I first saw them.

Beyond these details, there is a sense of closure as To Be A Child somehow weaves all these images into something bigger. By the end of the collection, I really felt that I had been following a story that had come to an end. And it’s a thoroughly enjoyable journey.

***Grab a FREE preview of To Be A Child on BookGrabbr. Visit***

Author’s Bio: Debra Schoenberger aka #girl with camera

Debra Schoenberger

“My dad always carried a camera under the seat of his car and was constantly taking pictures. I think that his example, together with pouring over National Geographic magazines as a child fuelled my curiosity for the world around me.

I am a documentary photographer and street photography is my passion. Some of my images have been chosen by National Geographic as editor’s favourites and are on display in the National Geographic museum in Washington, DC.  I also have an off-kilter sense of humour so I’m always looking for the unusual.  Plus I usually have a lot of scars on my knees. (le sigh…)

I live with my creative director, Miss Pickles (my budgie) in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Connect with the author:  Website   Twitter  Facebook

Connect with the photographer’s website:   Website

Click here to enter the RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY for your chance to win one of two Amazon gift cards.

Note: I received a free digital copy of To Be A Child in exchange for an honest review.

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