World Animal Day

October 4th is World Animal Day, started almost 100 years ago, it’s a day to bring attention to endangered species around the world. I  stumbled upon this internationally celebrated day as I was trying to decide when to make the first donation of proceeds from sales of Wally the Warm-Weather Penguin to the Galapagos Conservancy. And it made perfect sense to schedule a donation for conservancy of unique Galapagos animals on this worldwide “day of action”.

First, a big THANK YOU to all of the purchasers of Wally the Warm-Weather Penguin who provided the said proceeds which allowed me to make a donation to such a worthy cause. I’m truly grateful for your interest and wonderful feedback about the book. I am thrilled to make this donation to the Galapagos Conservancy in the form of a Species Adoption, a kit that contains keepsakes such as a photo, plush toy and information about an endangered animal in the area. (By the way, it makes a wonderful gift for the holidays!) Visit the Galapagos Conservancy ( for more information about donation options and the work they do to support conservation efforts in the Galapagos Islands.

In addition, today is the first edition of Photo Friday on Wally’s blog. I’ve collected quite a few photos over years of travel from not only the Galapagos Islands, but unique (and warm) places around the world where Wally plans to visit as the book series of continues. On Photo Fridays, I plan to share some of the most memorable travel images as well as a bit of information about the place and/or animal.

On the first Photo Friday, I’m excited to share a picture of one of the most stunning characters in Wally the Warm-Weather Penguin, Sally Lightfoot Crab. Wally spots these beautiful crustaceans tap-dancing on a stage in Wally the Warm-Weather Penguin.

Galapagos - Santa Cruz Island - Bachas Beach - 38
Sally Lightfoot Crab on Bachas Beach, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands

Sally Lightfoot Crabs are a beautiful, brightly colored crabs, that are a common sight in the Galapagos Islands. They are often found scurrying across rocks and beaches and can move in any direction which makes them notorious in accounts from the first visitors to the islands as they were (and still are) very difficult to catch.

I hope you enjoy the new Photo Friday feature and thank you again for making a donation to the Galapagos Conservancy a reality!

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Booknificent Thursdays

8 thoughts on “World Animal Day

  1. stanleyandkatrina

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Have you met @LovableLobo – his latest book is about a quick trip to the Galapagos – Thanks for sharing about World Animal Day on the Kid Lit Blog Hop. That is one amazing photo of the Sally Lightfoot Crab. Looking forward to more of your posts!
    ~Cool Mom for
    The Stanley & Katrina Gang
    (PS – I wasn’t able to check the “Notify me of new comments via email option – something I usually do.)
    Off to tweet about your post.


    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment. Yes, I’m excited about Lovable Lobo’s new adventure in the Galapagos Islands…such a great place to visit 🙂 And thanks so much for your help spreading the word on Twitter!

      Liked by 1 person

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